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Close Encounters Pics of
Joanne VanMeter

"Which posters to alt.surfing have you met, surfed, or tripped with, where and when?"

Sushi @ La Jolla Shores - August 29, 2001

(L-R) Neal Miyake, Tom Keener, Joanne VanMeter and Bill Andrews
Photographer: The Waitress


Time Out at La Jolla Shores - August 29, 2001

(L-R) (Dan "Crag" King's arm?), Neal Miyake, Joanne VanMeter and Bill Andrews
Photographer: Tim Hansen

Killing Carson - January 16, 2002

We had a plan, it took some nerve but we pulled it off. We did it for all the "victims" in AS
of Carson's rath. We did it for JB, Dave Blake, Lem and the countless others who have had to
endure the relentless flaming. Long live Alt.Surfing!
-- George Barnes 1/16/02

Joanne Reports on Yellow Bamboo Power in Bali -- Meets Alvin -- August 2004

Heard on an alt.surfing post: 
Hey Surfy Bobby,

Sorry to have missed you in San Diego!  Surf here has been a playful 6-8' or double overhead, pick your flavor.  I surfed the smaller rights in front of Alvin's house yesterday, though I didn't know I was
in front of it.  We still hadn't met yet. I did see a helmet man on the larger heavier peak going left and the locals told me it was Alvin.

My driver that I picked up in a surf shop in Kuta took us to meet him at his place and my guy said, "You know Yellow Bamboo" to Alvin, who was wearing a yellow bamboo shirt.  I was a bit amazed that someone that didn't know him was into this Yellow Bamboo and my driver's family practices it as well.

We got some incredibly long lefts today north of here today and I think I'm staying.  The waves are mellow yet big (well, the ones I was on but there are heavier waves within a paddle distance), just what I came for.

Alvin seems to know everyone every where we go and the locals love and respect him.  The dude owns this place.  He's got the life and I do not understand why he even bothers logging on.

It is magical up in this part of Bali.  Retirement beautiful.  CJ and I had spa treatments on the beach for practically nothing post surf.

Not much to report on food cuz we've been eating vegetables, rice and tofu for nearly every meal by choice.  Good though!

Joanne, Alvin and CJ


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Last updated on or about  03/01/2002
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